Small Groups

  • Presbyterian Women

The PW Purpose is: Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
• to nurture our faiths through prayer and Bible study,
• to support the mission of the church worldwide
• to work for justice and peace, and
• to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

We focus on our Bible Study which is created by Presbyterian women and our ecumenical sisters in mind.

  • Book Club

Membership has always been open to all. We don't really have members as much as we have attendees and devotees. We publicize the name of the book in advance and encourage people to come even if they don't want to be "members" Although it is not limited to retired people, we have met during the day for years because the people who come regularly want to come during the day.  

We have met at the church for many years, but recently started meeting in homes when we can, which seems to have greatly encouraged attendance. 

Each year we ask our regulars to provide a little background on a book they have read or want to read that they think might be a good recommendation for the coming year. We ask that it be one they are willing to lead. That is how we arrive on the book titles. 

In December we have a potluck at someone's house and people bring a favorite poem to share. We "invite" the whole church through the newsletter and bulletin but typically only the "usuals" attend.

Some of our attendees are not church members.

  • Thursday Small Group

The Thursday Small Group was formed years ago when almost everyone in the church became part of one of the newly formed groups. Most of our current members have been a part of this group since its beginning and we have invited and welcomed newer members through the years. We now have 11 members and most attend most of our meetings on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 10:15 am in Classroom A. Through the years we have discussed many different and varied topics and sometimes, just talked and listened. Meetings begin with “checking in” to stay in the know about each other’s problems and celebrations. We usually then discuss and share our ideas about the topic and this year so far, we have been challenged by “words” that have been suggested by members that have then been turned into lessons that include some Scripture Study along with perhaps some famous quotes by others, songs, poems or stories that might enhance the study. We’ve gone on “field trips” to the Calvary Lenten Preaching Series, the National Civil Rights Museum, Temple Israel, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art and other places of interest. We pray for and help each other and church and community members in their times of need.  Anyone is welcome to come for a visit or come to join us as a group member.


  • Tuesday's with Ted

Tuesday's with Ted is a gathering of men from Balmoral who meet every Tuesday morning at 8AM for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Hacks Cross Road.  We discuss current local issues, world events, church issues, and personal reflections on life, family, and church.