Congregational Care Team
Faith Formation
The faith formation team is intended to guide the various elements of individual development of a person's faith. The team generates ideas about what might be offered to encourage individuals to grow. This is a life-long growth because faith is a life-long journey.
Groups currently being guided:
Fellowship Team
The fellowship team creates opportunities for our spiritual community to get to know each other. The team recruits individuals to bring treats each Sunday for fellowship hour. The team also organizes events that stimulates relationships through meals together or fun activities.
Human Resources Team
Nominating Team
The nominating team is elected by the congregation. The Session appoints one or more active ruling elders to the team but the Session members shall not constitute a majority of the team. The work of this team is to present nominees for ruling elders for the congregation to elect to serve a three-year term. The Session may request that the nominating team also create a slate of nominees to either fill vacancies on the Session or for other special groups within the congregation when deemed necessary.
Operations Team
The Operations Team manages the building, providing maintenance and repairs to building systems and infrastructure. We also manage Church finances, providing bookkeeping and accounting and bill payments, plus budgeting and reporting to the Session.
Outreach Team
Balmoral Presbyterian Church has been a service-oriented church since its inception. All of our current active ministries were started when members with a passion and willingness to respond to a call to share bread with the hungry or befriend the marginalized, met and developed an outreach plan.
Small Group Team
The leaders of our small groups meet at least annually to coordinate ministries and to share in what each small group is currently engaged. The Pastor is also a member of this team to encourage coordination with all the ministries of the congregation.
Welcoming Team
The purpose of the Welcoming Team is to insure that all visitors are welcomed, are oriented to the building, and are introduced to church members. The team members will be available to answer questions, and provide the visitors with a welcome packet. For frequent visitors and new members the Welcoming Team will assist them in connecting with various activities of the church.
Worship Team
The Worship Team oversees many areas to ensure that Balmoral Presbyterian Church has meaningful and welcoming services so that members and visitors alike can grow closer to God and build community with each other. These areas include: liturgists to assist the pastor in Sunday Worship or in special services throughout the year, music for services (choral, instruments, special guest musicians), changing of the paraments, decoration for the sanctuary for various holiday seasons, special worship services (i.e. Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve, special dramas, etc.), lighting and sound specialists, ushers for offering, changing the set up of the sanctuary for various services (i.e., Presbytery Meetings, Funerals/Memorial Services, World Communion), filling and cleaning of the Baptismal Font, and Communion (purchase, set up and clean up of elements). The Team meets together at least six times during the year to plan Worship for Balmoral.