Want to Participate in the Life of Balmoral Presbyterian?
There are a variety of ways for individuals to be active at Balmoral Presbyterian. You can participate in a small group, adult studies, music, or one of our ministry teams. This section will explain the many options you may investigate and find the one(s) which fit your interests and passions.
Adult Studies
Current Study Topic: A Bible Study on Mark & 1, 2, and 3 John are the chapters that will be studied. Leaders: Clinton Bailey, Glenda Ellis, William Warren
We offer a variety of topic-driven and Bible-driven adult study opportunities throughout the year. Our normal pattern is to have a topic-driven study during the fall months, a short Advent study, a Bible-driven study in the early part of the year, and a topic-driven study in the spring. The adult studies meet each Sunday at 9:30 AM in Classroom A.